
Tuesday, January 28

2025 CDX Exhibitors

CDX Exhibitors,

What a big year! We are thankful for you, our good partners in manufacturing, distribution, and services. Our attention is turning to the 2025 Contractor Deck Expo on Tuesday, January 28th.

Thank you in advance for “bringing the magic,” for your diligent, passionate preparation to make CDX 2025 a meaningful, effective event. We know you will bring a lot of value to CDX, and we hope that you will get a lot of value from it too.

We will stay in touch over the next several weeks. The form on this page is a tool for you to tell us about your needs and plans for your exhibit, to help us help you. You can always make adjustments later – just reach out to us or visit personally.

As the CDX approaches, here are a few things to think about:

Bring real vs. Abstract

Bring what they can’t get online. The more real, the better – real people, real displays, real samples and giveaways, hands-on demos – that’s why they’re coming to see you! Abstract elements of a display would include brochures, banners, iPads or TVs playing promo videos, etc., which is all good and well, but often the same info is easily found online.

Bring winners vs. rabbit trails

Focus on the winning products. Please present clear, straightforward information on great deck-related products stocked in town during the 2025 busy season. We are looking forward to meeting with each of you about this!

Bring product brands

From the builder’s perspective, CDX is an exhibition of deck-product manufacturer brands. Represent the manufacturing brand more than the distribution company, please.

Bring as much as you want!

Regardless of the exhibitor fee, instead of confining your exhibit space, if possible, we would rather give you as much space as you want – as long as you will use it well. Let’s talk soon, so we at DSS can know how we can help, in terms of space, displays, samples, product pricing from us, or whatever you need!

Bring the experts

The builders are coming to talk to YOU. Our customers are smart people. Ask their opinions and be ready to answer a lot of good questions. You probably want to staff your exhibit with experts of your own, maybe even from headquarters.

Bring the magic

Last CDX, our sales team brought in 300 builders – in a snowstorm! All of us exhibitors (including The Deck Superstore) are presenting to builders their business partnerships for 2025. Preparation is essential. Thank you in advance for your hard work to put our collective best foot forward! Let’s make it count!

Looking forward to a great event. Thanks for making it possible!


The Deck Superstore Team

P.S. Don’t just bring a table with brochures, please!


Base fee is $350/exhibitor. For manufacturers and distributors, we charge a fee of 0.075% of our purchases from you, YTD (I will calculate this and send your total 1/3/2025). This fee goes mainly to cover our catered lunch, so don’t miss out on lunch! This fee is to be paid in check or by credit card up-front (not through vendor credit or co-op funds) – thank you! Payments can be made to Juana starting January 6th over the phone or in person. Please contact her with questions!


Fee is the same regardless of size of your exhibit. Work with us to plan your location and space, and ask for as much as you can use well!


January 17, Friday

Deadline to be signed up as an exhibitor and pay your exhibit fee – again, exhibitors are to pay up-front (by check or credit card). Thank you! We can start taking payments 1/6.


January 22, Wednesday

Deadline to meet with us about your exhibit, to clarify your needs for space, etc. – in-person if possible.


January 27, Monday, 12:00-6:00pm

Move-in and set-up exhibits, vehicles allowed


January 28, Tuesday, 7:00-8:30am

Continued move-in and set-up, vehicles NOT allowed



Quiet, please! Keynote speech in session



Exhibits open!


9:30 and 10:30am

Fire Code workshops



Don’t miss lunch! If we can help staff your exhibit during lunch, or get you a plate, let us know! (Please try to plan this ahead of time!)



Tear-down, vehicles allowed

Here is what we are telling the builders…

Hosted here at The Deck Superstore – join us for a deck-building trade show, including education, product exhibits, and free lunch.

Please fill out the form on this page – it takes maybe 60 seconds to sign up! And it’s FREE.

Tuesday, January 28, starting at 8:30am

  • Keynote – Eric Fortenberry : Eric Fortenberry, founder and CEO of JobTread, will be doing a brief seminar on Winning More Jobs and Increasing Your Profits. JobTread is a software that helps contractors with project management and construction estimating.
  • PRODUCT EXHIBITS (9:30am-3:00pm): There are big changes coming for the 2025 product mix – talk with reps from dozens of product manufacturers.
  • Ultimate Taco Bar (11:30am-1:00pm): Free lunch by El Jardín Mexican Restaurant.

    We hope you can invest several hours into making 2025 a solid success. Either way, please stay in touch and let us know how we can help you win deck projects and enjoy them more!